You don’t have to go it alone
Rely on the platform developed by architects of industry-standard frameworks and experts in regulatory requirements.
Framework Library
- C2M2
- CIS 18
- CRI Profile
- SEC Preparedness Assessment
- Ransomware Preparedness Assessment
- Custom frameworks
Axio supports your journey
Align to industry and compliance frameworks
Control-based and compliance frameworks provide a standard set of tested guidelines and principles for continuous process, updated with the latest security standards and practices.
Benchmark your assessment results
For additional context, Axio compares your security posture to thousands of other organizations that have completed assessments.
Ask an Axio expert
We’re here to answer your questions as you’re completing an assessment.
Assess once, report many times
Templates help you crosswalk from assessment type to assessment type so you save time and eliminate mistakes.
See how Assessment works

Rate your implementation of each control, category, and practice group in your selected framework on a scale. Document evidence and add context to increase transparency.

See how your current state aligns to each category and practice group in the framework, so you can identify gaps and areas for improvement.
Add notes for your team and auditors to provide context for your data and background for your decisions.
Once you know your current state, you can set your sights on improving your assessment score. Then you can implement policies, processes, and procedures to achieve it. You’ll be able to plan, assign, and track your activities directly in the Axio360 platform.
As your assessment scores change, your risk of a successful cyber attack decreases.